I'm finished being negative now. I guess I just had to get that out of my system. I was really aggrevated with the special ed. director, and disappointed that it seems so political. I had hoped that they would be a little more flexible and had expected to bend a little myself, but it was obvious that an agenda had to be met from their perspective and it didn't match even my most flexible agenda from my perspective. Why can't they just do things MY way??? ;)
So, we are getting ready for Christmas and the kids are all excited about their play which is Tuesday night. It is a play about Christmas around the world called, "The Magic Bakery." Another mom and I wrote it, and our homeschool group will perform it. Gracyn knows all of her lines (as well as everyone else's) and Braeden knows his for the most part. His cutest part in the play is when he is Fernando in the Mexico scene and he is trying to pull a burro onto the stage. He is so expressive, that it is really cute. He has been practicing rolling his RRRR's and calls the donkey, Pedrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrro.
Kaegan is helping to sing and act out The 12 Days of Christmas. He isn't too hip on it today, so he may not actually do it, but when we practiced it the first day, he was just amazing! I had practiced it with him in his playroom, and he went in to practice very connected with the situation and participated as any other child, looking at the teacher the entire time. Today, in practice, he yelled, "stop that singing!" So...we'll see if he actually does it!!
Well, that's about it for now.
Let me know how the play goes! I can't wait to have the next two days OVER. I feel like a grumpy old lady. Professors just aren't fair sometimes. I think all will be better when I do my presentation tomorrow on KK. I'm kinda nervous. Have a great day!
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