some things that are happ'nin'....
the aspen trees are budding out with bright green leaves that shimmer in the sun.
school is ending in a week and a half.
the mcclung family is on their way to California.
gracyn is reading A Wrinkle In Time.
Odell is in Houston.
shops are getting ready to open for the summer here.
the bakery is open today for the first time this summer.
the neighbors next to us in the pink house and the one next to it are moved in for the summer.
i figured out how to crochet cute hats, so I made one for Gracyn and a really cute one for Kiah.
i went to a homeschool bookfair and had a girls weekend, so now I'm refreshed!
braeden read one whole page of StarWars all by himself.
Kaegan got embarrassed when he accidentally bumped into a lady and told her he was sorry!
wha's happ'nin with everyone else?
All of those things put a HUGE smile on my face. What days will you be in Houston?
Well I got contacts and I'm getting used to them.-Little Josha
We will be in Houston Monday (Memorial Day--not sure of arrival time)through Saturday (not sure of departure time)
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