Well, we have a busy week and a half before us. The kids and I are planning fun sleep-overs with friends. I am trying to enjoy the company of good friends before we go to be with other good friends, and we have lots of packing, Christmas shopping, & paperwork-type stuff still to do. I'm not even sure we have informed everyone we need to about our move. Some people may find out after the fact. I hope not, but I'm not sure who all we still need to tell.
I'm very excited and (a little teary-eyed at the same time). I told the kids that we are just looking at it as a big adventure. Maybe we'll write a book about it one day! ;o)
I'm trying to get the kids to a certain point in math before we put them in school.... I love our math program(Math-U-See), but it goes in a unique order, so I want to make sure the kids have covered a few things that I'm sure the school has already covered. They will do well.
I'm very at peace about our plans except for the thought of how many things I might be forgetting to pack or do before we leave...I'm such a forgetful person. I hope the mountain air will clear that up! ;o) I'm also a little leary of being sick again. When we went on vacation a few weeks ago to Lake City, I was miserable for about 24 hours, then I was weak from being sick but miraculously okay. Very strange thing. Hopefully it won't happen again. I will drink WATER (and stop to go to the bathroom every 30 minutes) and take calcium, calcium, calcium which is what they say to do. I looked it up on the internet, and they make it sound much more serious than I thought it was. hmmm. I knew it was miserable, but had no idea it could be serious. I will be fine even if miserable, but now I will pay more attention to my kids' reactions to the altitude change. If we have trouble, I think we will go get some oxygen. One website mentions "home oxygen"...anyone know exactly what that means? I know there is water with oxygen added (supposedly...I don't know how that works or if it works), maybe we will try it.
Okay enough rambling about nothing.