Friday, May 26, 2006

Kaegan has a girlfriend.

Some children just naturally know what to do to win Kaegan's attention. This little girl is one of them. She and Kaegan laughed together, throwing rocks and sticks into the river for about a half hour. I stood way back and snapped pictures. They didn't need me to stay engaged. Not all of you will understand what a beautiful picture this is, but those of you who know...well...wipe the tears; there are more posts below this one.

You may think this is Gracyn, but actually, this is Johan Sebastian Bach. She was in a fun play called, "Compose Yourself" on Tuesday. The ruffled shirt she is wearing was my mother's and I rolled her hair up into old fashioned rolls above her ears. I wish the picture wasn't so dark so you could see better. She was the cutest Bach ever!

Project Fair pictures I meant to post a long time ago....Maddie studied Saber-Toothed Tigers. Braeden studied measurement and the size of Dinosaurs. Kaegan studied the human body. Gracyn studied American Slavery and wrote her report from a slave's point of view.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Hey everyone! Odell gets to Lake City around noon on Saturday, so we are leaving that afternoon. We plan to arrive in Big H Sunday night (probably late). Odell is off work on Monday, so we hope to get some things done. He will be working the rest of the week while *I* do all the rest....well, and whoever shows up to help me :)....and the movers show up on Thursday to pack, then to load the truck on Friday. We will need to leave on Saturday to head back. Gracyn wondered if the moving company we are using is the "one that says, 'we care,' and then breaks everything and steals everything." She is planning to pack her own things. Ha, ha! See you soon!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

We went hiking/picnicking today. I thought you might enjoy these pictures...This was where we had the privilege of worshipping the Lord today. What a beautiful cathedral, huh? Kaegan told Bible stories, we all sang, Odell prayed, and he and I shared communion in remembrance of our risen savior. It was a remarkable day. I hope yours was too.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

I'm going to paint a picture of something inspiring from nature. Cast your vote or add to the list:

a close-up of a butterfly wing
close-up of sun shining on aspen leaves
inside of a geode(crystals)
ripples in a pool of water
close-up of a daisy
water droplets on a rose petal

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

some things that are happ'nin'....
the aspen trees are budding out with bright green leaves that shimmer in the sun.
school is ending in a week and a half.
the mcclung family is on their way to California.
gracyn is reading A Wrinkle In Time.
Odell is in Houston.
shops are getting ready to open for the summer here.
the bakery is open today for the first time this summer.
the neighbors next to us in the pink house and the one next to it are moved in for the summer.
i figured out how to crochet cute hats, so I made one for Gracyn and a really cute one for Kiah.
i went to a homeschool bookfair and had a girls weekend, so now I'm refreshed!
braeden read one whole page of StarWars all by himself.
Kaegan got embarrassed when he accidentally bumped into a lady and told her he was sorry!
wha's happ'nin with everyone else?

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

We will be moving into a house at the end of May. This is a picture of my favorite room. It has a laundry room!!!!!!!

Yes, we have decided to make the move. We will be in Houston the week of Memorial Day to pack up. It will be bitter sweet for me. I love it here, but you Houston friends know how I feel about you... I like the idea of being your favorite vacation spot, though! I hope to welcome you all into our home from time to time.

In the meantime, we will look forward to seeing you sometime between Memorial Day and Sat. June 3rd when we need to head back. The kids would love to play with their friends while I pack...any takers??

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Here are some soccer pictures. G and B are both playing. K doesn't have an interest--that is him at the lone picnic table with his back to the game. We won our games last weekend and that was great fun. We play our last games this weekend. Wish us luck!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Finally, I'm taking time to post about our field trip to Denver. We went to the museum which was great fun, but definitely, the highlight was the trip to the capitol building. Here, you see Gracyn helping Kaegan stick with the group. She has grown probably 3-4 inches since we got here. Kaegan has a pamphlet about "Christmas in July" in his hands. He latched onto it for the entire trip. That is Maddie beside Gracyn, looking to the side.

Here is our group in front of the capitol building. It is one of only a few capitol buildings with a gold plated dome. The gold came from Colorado mines and is a 24K overlay.

I like this picture of our group getting a very unique tour. The dome has been closed since 9/11, but they took our group up into it. Here you see Gracyn looking up....

into the golden dome.

and Kaegan looking down, to the many floors below.