Sunday, February 05, 2006


Here I am on the snowmobile. We were pulling each other behind on a tube. That is Kaegan standing nearby and a McClung kiddo on the tube. Aren't they trusting?

We were out on the frozen lake. I couldn't believe it was so frozen that we could drive snowmobiles out there, but people go out there in vehicles all the time. It is that frozen solid.

More tubing pics. There is Braeden to the left.
And Mabree below.

Below is a fuzzy pic of me on Mark's four-wheeler. I tried to delete it, but couldn't, so here it is.

Odell on the tube with me pulling him. He was video-ing the whole way. Smart alleck.

Below is a picture of Kaegan and me on the four-wheeler.

Odell and Gracyn help Kaegan get situated in the tube.

Left, a balloon at the hot air balloon festival yesterday on the lake. We didn't get to ride because the wind picked up, but we sure had fun anyway.


At 6:18 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I am so happy that you always put pictures up because I miss seeing your smiling faces! If I ever take pictures, I will be sure to put some up. I'm too busy!

At 7:24 AM, Blogger Ruth said...

Love the pics! the one of you on the snowmobile is great! looks like yall are having so much fun! love seeing all the smiles!

stay warm!


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